Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Flash player may cause the computer to stop responding on Debian Linux

I installed Flash Player but my computer stopped responding. What should I do? A Debian file says "In case the plugin causes high cpu-usage, you can try this: create /etc/adobe/mms.cfg"

After typing su in Terminal, I can create the file by the commands:

mkdir /etc/adobe

gedit /etc/adobe/mms.cfg

In the file, copy the following lines and paste them in the empty file:

 # Adobe player settings
 AVHardwareDisable = 0
 FullScreenDisable = 0
 LocalFileReadDisable = 1
 FileDownloadDisable = 1
 FileUploadDisable = 1
 LocalStorageLimit = 1
 ThirdPartyStorage = 1
 AssetCacheSize = 10
 AutoUpdateDisable = 1
 LegacyDomainMatching = 0
 LocalFileLegacyAction = 0
 AllowUserLocalTrust = 0
 # DisableSockets = 1
 OverrideGPUValidation = 1

After saving the file and restarting my computer, I have not seen the same problem when viewing youtube.com.

The full name of Flash Player is Adobe Flash Player.

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