Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Use fonts on Debian Linux

 Some fonts are necessary for some software items to display the text. For example, Chinese characters require Chinese fonts.

I can copy the fonts used on Microsoft Windows for my personal use. Usually, these fonts are in the "Fonts" directory in the "Windows" directory.

I have chosen the following fonts for displaying Chinese:


Start by being a superuser in Terminal on Debian Linux. Type:


I can make a directory /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows to store these fonts by typing:

mkdir /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows

Then, I can type:

cp /home/user_name/mingliub.ttc /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows
to copy  mingliub.ttc in /home/user_name to /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows

I can also type:

cp /home/user_name/*.ttc /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows

to copy all those files with "ttc".

I can also type:

cp /home/user_name/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows

to copy all those files with "ttf".

Then, issue the command:

chmod 755 /usr/share/fonts/microsoftWindows/*

to permit the use of those files. After that, type:


to let the applications use the fonts.

 See the result:

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