Saturday, August 19, 2017

Old admins think of systemd commands

My view echoes that of Carlos Fenollosa:

I had been riding the Linux wave for years, until I recently realized that my admin skills needed a total recycling. In a few years we've gone from /etc/init.d/sshd restart to service sshd restart to systemctl start sshd. That's a bit fast in my opinion, but I understand it's the price of progress, aimed to make computers boot faster and theoretically easier to administer for newcomers. Old admins, on the other hand, have a harder time adapting.

The writers of the systemctl commands and other systemd commands failed to consider the impact on old admins.

When you have hundreds of old scripts without systemctl commands, and you are forced to switch to systemd, what do you think?

Hello, command writers, please think of the impact on old admins before you write. If redirecting from service sshd restart to systemctl start sshd does the trick, please always keep this command redirection.

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